Useful Information

Acqua alta a venezia: cosa fare e cosa non fare

High water in Venice: what to do and what NOT to do

17 Oct 2023

We provide you with a list of tips and advice to follow during this unique phenomenon. If you follow them, you will enjoy Venice properly, even if with high water.
acqua alta a Venezia - piazza san marco

The causes of high water in Venice

17 Oct 2023

The causes of high water in Venice can be divided into two broad categories of reasons: meteorological and astronomical.
acqua alta di Venezia

What is the high water in Venice

17 Oct 2023

What is the high water in Venice and when does it occur? Find out in our blog dedicated to Venice!
Acqua alta a Venezia

What to do during high water in Venice?

17 Oct 2023

What is Acqua Alta in Venice and when does it occur? The high water phenomenon usually occurs from November to March.
Vista su un canale di Venezia

Venice Quarters: i Sestieri

3 May 2023